A Russian version of our web pages.

Information on this page is irrelevant for item 68 (titled “Турнир имени М.В. Ломоносова”) of Annex to the Order number 901 from 08.28.2015 (titled “Об утверждении Перечня олимпиад школьников и их уровней на 2015/16 учебный год”) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education

First multidisciplinary tournament for school students, 2015

on math, math games, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, chemistry, biology, history, linguistics, literature

October 18, 2015 — individual participation (online or intramural).
From October 19 till November 20, 2015 — team and individual online participation.

Problems of tournament (PDF)

The jury creates competition tasks and invites everyone to take part in the work.

Don't hesitate to contact the jury if you want to suggest a task or an idea for a tournament.

E-mail address of the organizing committee: konkurs2015@turlom.info