20-я летняя конференция международного математического Турнира городов

Менделеево, 01.08.2008-09.08.2008.

Задача 3. Три параболы

Задачу представляют Алексей Заславский, Фёдор Нилов, Владислав Филимонов

Условия и решения

Протокол проверки работ

20-th summer conference International mathematical Tournament of towns

Mendeleevo, 01.08.2008-09.08.2008.

Problem 3. Three parabolas

The project is proposed by Alexey Zaslavsky, Fedor Nilov, Vladilsav Filimonov

Tasks and solutions

(Parts 1, 2, 3 were suggested before the intermediate consideration of the problems. Parts 4, 5, 6 were added after the intermediate consideration of the problems.)

Work cheking protocol