Белорецк, 31.07.2002-09.08.2002.
Journal papers
1. Dyskin, AV, Y Estrin, A J Kanel-Belov & E Pasternak, 2001. A new concept in design of materials and structures: Assemblies of interlocked tetrahedron-shaped elements. Scripta Materialia, 44, 2689-2694.
2. Dyskin, AV, Y Estrin, A J Kanel-Belov & E Pasternak, 2001. Toughening by fragmentation - How topology helps. Advanced Engineering Materials, 3, Issue 11, 885-888.
3. Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y., Pasternak, E., Kanel-Belov, A.J. (2002) Topological interlocking of platonic solids: A way to new materials and structures, Phil. Mag. Letters (accepted).
4. Dyskin, AV, Y Estrin, A J Kanel-Belov & E Pasternak, 2003. A new principle in design of composite materials: reinforcement by interlocked elements. Composites Science & Technology (accepted).
5. Dyskin, AV, Y Estrin, E Pasternak, H.C. Khor & A J Kanel-Belov 2003. Fracture resistant structures based on topological interlocking with non-planar contacts. Advanced Engineering Materials, (accepted).
Conference papers
6. Estrin, J., Dyskin, A., Kanel-Belov, A., Pasternak, E. (2001) Zusammengesetzte Schichtstrukturen mit topologischer Verzahnung von "Bausteinen' - ein neues Konzept im Werkstoffdesign, VDI-BERICHTE NR. 1595, 187-198.
7. Estrin, Y., AV Dyskin, A J Kanel-Belov & E Pasternak, 2002. Materials with novel architectonics: Assemblies of interlocked elements. In: IUTAM Symposium on Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-homogeneous Materials, (Karihaloo, B., Ed), Cardiff, UK, June 18-22, 2001, Kluwer Academic Press, 51-56.
8. Dyskin, A.V., Estrin, Y., Kanel-Belov, A.J. and Pasternak, E. 2002. A new class of composite materials based on topological interlocking, In: Applied mechanics. Progress and application. ACAM 2002 The Third Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics Sydney, February 20-22, 2002 (Zhang, L., Tong, L. and Gal, J., Eds), World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 485-490.
9. Khor, C., Dyskin, A.V., Pasternak, E. Estrin, Y. and Kanel-Belov, A.J. 2002. Integrity and fracture of plate-like assemblies of topologically interlocked elements. In: Structural Integrity and Fracture, SIF2002 (Dyskin, A.V. Hu X.Z. and Sahouryeh, E., Eds), Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 449-456.
10. Dyskin, AV, Y Estrin, A J Kanel-Belov & E Pasternak, 2001. A new principle in design of composite materials: reinforcement by interlocked elements. Abstracts, ICMAT 2001International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 1-6 July, Singapore, K16-06, p. 325.